Fults Hill Prairie Nature Preserve is a diverse biotic landscape, consisting of woodland, prairie, and glade communities, and hosts the largest complex of loess hill prairie in the state. This 532 acre Preserve is home to a diverse set of species—from black oak, post oak, and hickory in the upland forest, to side-oats gramma, little bluestem, and Indian grass in the dry, well drained soils of the loess prairie. When visiting the Prairie, be attentive to an occasional large, well-shaped oak sitting in a now forested area. These wolf trees are indicators of what ecologists call ‘lost glades’—areas that were once glade-like savannas of mostly grass that allowed single trees to grow with a wide branching pattern outside of the competition from other trees. While once subject to wildfire and the ecological processes that this enabled, the Preserve now undergoes occasional prescribed burns. The Preserve and adjacent Fults Creek are both named after the landowners who purchased much of the common-field land associated with the Renault grant.